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How to Make a Marked Deck of Cards?

Posted by Marked Cards Shop on

There are some articles and instructions online about how to mark playing cards. Some are about how to mark magic playing cards with a needle or a knife so as to make mini marks for naked eyes can see. Usually people can't notice these marks. Even if some players can see it, they don't know what it means. Only people with the marking rule can know the meaning of every sign. This kind of marking playing cards can suit situation that the can read the cards at a close distance. If in a farther distance, people can't see or tell the marks.

If you want to use marked cards in poker gambling, I recommend you to use luminous marked cards for contact lenses. Let me introduce how to make luminous marked cards because lots of guys are interested in it.

Some players will buy variety of cards marking materials (such as luminous ink kit, invisible ink pen) to marking the poker cards by themselves. However, it's not a easy job. When they mark the cards, they will find that their ink is not invisible and will easily discolor after shuffling. Well, I will introduce the only useful marking way below.

How to Make Copag Texas Holdem Marked Cards

How to Make a Deck of Marked Cards?

Firstly, we need to have a good-quality deck of clean poker cards. It refers to an original deck of playing cards, such as a deck of Copag Texas Holdem cards.

Secondly, we need to have the high-tech cards marking machine, which can mark perfect marks on playing cards. Someone buys ink and invisible ink pens to mark their poker cards and find that the marks are visible to naked eyes. However, the same ink may work well by marking machine.

marking cards with invisible ink printer

Thirdly, the special invisible ink is quite important in making luminous marked decks. Here the ink may not refer to one kind of ink. It might be a mix of several kinds or even hundreds of ink or powder. For marking cards well, our technical staffs will test the ink on a certain kind of card for many times. We won’t mark the whole cards before finding the perfect ink for that card. When the colors or brands of cards change, we will change the ink again so as to make high quality marked cards.

There seem to be many guys looking for luminous ink or ink pens online to mark playing cards. In fact, their final purpose is to be final winner in poker game with marked cards, it's a good experience to try marking poker cards. However, the best way for enjoying the poker games is to buy quality marked cards with infrared contact lenses or poker glasses!

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